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姓名: 湯瑪斯.蓋爾 Tamás Gál
專長: 指揮 Conductor

photo © Váradi Máté

湯瑪斯.蓋爾 | 指揮




  • 匈牙利共和國傑出藝術家大獎,2008年,匈牙利政府頒發的最高同時亦最受尊崇之藝術獎項
  • 拉伊達(Lajtha)大獎,2007年,由匈牙利國家電台與拉伊達基金會頒發
  • 鐵路贊助獎(Pro Ferrovia),2005年,由匈牙利國家鐵路公司總經理頒發
  • 李斯特大獎,1998年,由匈牙利文化部頒發
  • 塞切尼大獎,1995年,由匈牙利政府頒發 

蓋爾出生於1960年,六歲開始學習小提琴,八歲學習鋼琴,就讀音樂學校時,除了修習作曲與喇叭之外,他同時是銅管樂隊指揮。進入李斯特音樂學院之後,他師從馬克拉瑞(József Maklári)與贊波(István Zámbó),學習合唱團指揮,並於1984年畢業,然後接著師事科若迪(András Kórodi)與魯卡克斯(Ervin Lukács)門下,學習交響指揮,1985年畢業。
1985年至1988年間,他擔任佩奇交響樂團(Pécs Symphony Orchestra)的指揮,1986年起,他開始擔任日趨重要的夏日音樂活動「尼爾巴托爾國際音樂營」(International Music Camp of Nyírbátor)的首席指揮暨音樂顧問 。
匈牙利國家歌劇院每年邀請蓋爾擔任15-20場音樂會的客席指揮,並擔任「格德勒夏日大師課程」(Gödöllő Summer Masters’ Courses)藝術總監,亦於德布勒森夏日大學以客席教授身分授課。

Tamás Gál | Conductor

be named as Artistic Director of Hungarian Symphony Orchestra in Miskolc 2014.
Before that he was the music director of the MAV Symphony Orchestra for more than 20 years.

Besides his music director positions Maestro Gál is the head of the Conductors’ Faculty at Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music since 1988. Among his former students there are a lot of prize-winners in the international conductors’ competitions. These conductors are nowadays artistic directors and chief conductors at Hungarian and European symphony orchestras

In acknowledgement of Maestro’s artistic career he was honored with

  • Merited Artist of Hungarian Republic – one of the highest and most respected artistic title can be given by the Government – in 2008
  • Lajtha-prize by the Hungarian State Radio and the Lajtha Foundation in 2007
  • Pro Ferrovia by the General Manager of the Hungarian State Railways  in 2005
  • Liszt-Prize by the Hungarian Cultural Minister in 1998
  • Széchenyi-Prize by the Hungarian Government in 1995

Maestro Gál was born in 1960. He started playing the violin at the age of six, the piano at eight. At the conservatory he studied composition, played the trumpet and led a brass band. At the Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music first he was taught to be a chorus master by József Maklári and István Zámbó - graduated in 1984, then took up conducting and graduated under András Kórodi and Ervin Lukács, in 1985.
Since his graduating he has been regularly invited as guest conductor to all leading Hungarian orchestras.
Between 1985 and 1988 he worked for the Pécs Symphony Orchestra as conductor. Since 1986 for many years he was principal conductor and music adviser at the International Music Camp of Nyírbátor, a summer event of growing professional prestige.
Maestro Gál is a regular guest conductor of the Hungarian State Opera House for 15-20 performances yearly and also active as the Artistic Director at Gödöllő Summer Masters’ Courses. He is giving lectures as guest professor in Debrecen at Summer University.
He is a permanently invited jury-member in the International Conductors’ Competitions held in Hungary and above that abroad as well.
As guest conductor he has had performances in all of European countries, China, Taiwan, Japan and the USA. When he was the guest conductor of the Colorado Music Festival in Denver, USA, the press was stating his performance as the “success of the year”. He also has been the regular guest conductor at the Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana, Zagrabian Symphony Orchestra, the Berliner Sinfoniker, Slovakian Philharmonic Orchestra, Odense Symphony Orchestra – Dania, Lithuanian State Orchestra  and the Philharmonia Hungarica (Germany) for long years.
Since 2003 through more seasons was also active as the Permanent Guest Conductor at National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra in Taichung, with NTSO he used to have 5-6 concerts per season inland and abroad as well, and recorded more CDs.